Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My classroom setting

These are some of my classroom setting. I try not to use anything commercial, but their own works.
These are my lovely Children of the Dragon! They put their legs, arms, dress, etc. and run or walk on the Great Wall of China! They colored the dragon.

I just put up the bulletin board. Everyone's Chinese name is on the bamboo leaves. I want them to see their names all the time when they are here. Two kids painted their Chinese names. Joey drew a picture of hands of different colors, which means children from around the world get toghether. Judy puts her Chinese handwriting there.

Our classroom mascot is panda. We put up this giant panda and leave the tummy to put sticky notes. They will write Chinese characters on sticky notes. If everyone can put at least 5 characters there, we will have a party. 

B is for biān pào 鞭炮

Chinese invented gunpowder in the 9th century and used it for firecrackers and fireworks. Chinese light firecrackers during Chinese New Year. People believe that fire and noise will scare away evil spirits and bad luck. Celebrating new year with firecrackdrs if fun! But be safe. Do not hold firecrackdrs in hand after lighting. 
They want to know how to set off firecrackers.
We made paper firecrackers. We put them into string and used a chopstick to hang them.
I find some interesting vintage firecracker labels. Each has a story to tell.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A is for ài 愛

We started my alphabet book of Chinese culture this week!
A is for ai (love).

In the center is the heart. Above is breath and below is graceful movement. Love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the body. Chinese believe that human mind is in the center of the heart and that love comes from the heart. Love is a form of giving which should be extended motion only to those closest to you but to more distant members of society as well. While it was once considered a highly spiritual emotion, today is used more freely to express affection.

We made a woven heart basket. They are quite creative. Besides drawing and writing on the outside of the heart, they wrote love notes, cut out some flowers, buterrflies, trees, etc. and put them in the basket.


A is for ai and I love my kids and parents! You are the best!

Week 2: Beauty of my birthplace - Taiwan 台湾

We started to introduce birthplaces! Two girls were born in Taiwan and one of them just visited Taiwan this summer. So we started from Taiwan. They did the page of Taiwan for their book of Where is my friend from. Google earth is my favorite when I teach geography. Kids love it. Jackson and Jenna kept asking me to focus Taiwan's airport and places they visited. They see right away that Taiwan is an island and most of its land is covered by forest. 

Two girls born in Taiwan did their own memory book of "I love Taiwan". They used felt to decorate Taiwan's flag and green tissue paper as trees on the island .

3 kids who visited Taiwan before did a great job talking about their trip. They brought family album, souvenirs, jade (they went jade hunt in a river!), seal chops, etc. We learned a lot from their trip!

China on the news: We watched a news from Taiwan in Chinese. It's about two pandas in Taipei Zoo celebrating their 8th birthday.

We learned how to draw panda and practiced on the sheet of China on the news. They drew adorable pandas!

Week 1: Knowing each other and our Chinese names

We each made a bookmark. I want them to get a feel of how to write the strokes in their name. They drew pictures on the back.