Monday, September 24, 2012

A is for ài 愛

We started my alphabet book of Chinese culture this week!
A is for ai (love).

In the center is the heart. Above is breath and below is graceful movement. Love breathes life into the heart and brings grace to the body. Chinese believe that human mind is in the center of the heart and that love comes from the heart. Love is a form of giving which should be extended motion only to those closest to you but to more distant members of society as well. While it was once considered a highly spiritual emotion, today is used more freely to express affection.

We made a woven heart basket. They are quite creative. Besides drawing and writing on the outside of the heart, they wrote love notes, cut out some flowers, buterrflies, trees, etc. and put them in the basket.


A is for ai and I love my kids and parents! You are the best!

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